The journey so far...
Rafa, aka Rafael Salvador, has been at the forefront of the New York City Jungle Drum & Bass scene both as a promoter and as a DJ since 2008. He’s known for pushing the deeper styles of the spectrum and playing both upfront and classic selections.
Rafa co-founded New York City’s seminal Natural Selection party in 2011. The brand is known for hosting both new and established performers and for pushing the envelope to represent Jungle Drum & Bass to its fullest.
Rafa has played on bills that include Adred, Bailey, Commix, dBridge, Doc Scott, DRS, Kasra, Lenzman, LSB, Marcus Intalex, Randall, Raw Q, Robert Manos, Saxxon, Seba, SpectraSoul, and T.R.A.C.